Quebracho Extract
“ATLAS ATO” brand Quebracho extract has been chemically and physically treated to transform the insoluble inherent in a natural Quebracho extract with the additional advantage of having been spray dried thus offering the highest tannin.
Content among vegetable extracts.
Its principal characteristic are:
♦ Complete dissolution in cold water
♦ High tannin content
♦ Rapid penetration
♦ Excellent tanning properties
♦ Uniform quality
♦ Dedusted
♦ Good weight yield
♦ Especially suitable for the tannage of all kinds of vegetable leather.
♦ Combination tannages and for the retannage of chrome leather.
Typical Analysis
( Shake Method – Official Method of Analysis)
Tannins 73 + 1
Non Tannins 19 + 1
Insolubles –
Water 8 + 1
Official Colour (Lovibond Tintometer)
Reds 3.0 + 0.1
Yellows 7.3 + 0.3
p H 4.9 + 0.2
Ash 6.25 + 0.25
Packing : Plastic Bag of 250 kg with plastic inner.